The First Aptamer-Apheresis Column Specifically for Clearing Blood of β1-Receptor Autoantibodies
- A Successful Proof of Principle Using Autoantibody-Positive SHR Rats -
Gerd Wallukat, PhD; Annekathrin Haberland, PhD; Sabine Berg; Angela Schulz, PhD;
Ernst-Joachim Freyse, MD; Claudia Dahmen; Andreas Kage, MD; Michael Dandel, MD;
Roland Vetter, MD; Eckhard Salzsieder, PhD; Reinhold Kreutz, MD; Ingolf Schimke, PhD
Circulation Journal, Official Journal of the Japanese Circulation Society, 2012, CJ-12-0212, Advance Publication by-J-STAGE
Model-based Decision support in Diabetes Care.
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The Use of a Computer Program to Calculate the Mean Amplitude of Glycemic Excursions
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CGM in Combination with Personalized Decision Support (PDS) - a new Tool to Improve Routine Diabetes Care
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Model-based Decision support in Diabetes Care.
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Enhanced GIP and attenuated GLP-1 incretin effects during IVGTT in Wistar rats under DPP-4 inhibition
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Acceptance and outcome of knowledge-based decision support in routine diabetes care is strongly related to HbA1c at baseline
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Morphology of pancreatic islets: a time course of pre-diabetes in Zucker fatty rats.
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Therapieoptionen für die persönliche Stoffwechselführung von Diabetikern schnell und sicher prüfen - das KADIS®- Konzept im Diabetes-Gesundheits-Netzwerk
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Efficacy of the dipeptidyl peptidase IV inhibitor isoleucine thiazolidide (P32/98) in fatty Zucker rats with incipient and manifest impaired glucose tolerance.
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Cytokine- and FasL-induced ß-cell death in type 1 diabetes.
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Realität in der integrierten Versorgung, eine Zwischenbilanz.
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Telemedicine-based KADIS combined with CGMS has high potential for improving outpatient diabetes care.
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Outpatient assessment of Karlsburg Diabetes Management System-based decision support.
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Chronic hyperglycemia but not glucose variability determines HbA1c levels in well-controlled patients with type 2 diabetes.
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Cytokines activate caspase-3 in insulinoma cells of diabetes-prone NOD mice directly and via upregulation of Fas.
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Fas ligand down-regulates cytokine-induced Fas receptor expression on insulinoma (NIT-1), but not islet cells, from autoimmune nonobese diabetic mice.
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Disabling an integral CTL epitope allows suppression of autoimmune diabetes by intranasal proinsulin peptide.
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Prevention of autoimmune diabetes in NOD mice by troglitazone is associated with modulation of ICAM-1 expression on pancreatic islet cells and IFN-gamma expression in splenic T cells.
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Complement-dependent antibody-mediated cytotoxicity to rat pancreatic exocrine cells in serum of diabetes-prone BB/OK rats and their congenic derivatives
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Differential expression of fructosyllysine-specific receptors on monocytes and macrophages and possible pathophysiological significance
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Anti-CD4 monoclonal antibody immune intervention in patients with newly-diagnosed type I (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus
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Antibody-mediated islet cell cytotoxicity
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Functional impairment and necrosis of pancreatic B-cells by synergistic effects of adjuvants and low dose streptozotocin
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